Pedroglifos Type Foundry


Fonts made with in the Caribbean                                   Fonts made with in the Caribbean                                   Fonts made with in the Caribbean                                          

How it works

How It Works


Custom type design can be a tricky endeavor. It all begins with a discovery session, where we discuss the scope of the project and define the type of font we're going to be developing. Then, an ideation process takes place to establish possible design paths.


This part of the process is the most fun. Ideas become crystal clear with each sketch, and several reviews will take place before we can call any of the possible designs 'the one'. At this stage, all changes and iterations are welcome. In a way, we are still ideating at this step.


This stage can take weeks, depending on the complexities of the typeface and the styles or weights in the family. The final product gets closer with each character vectorized, and clients can have a better idea of how the end result will look.


Yes, I do mean the space between each letter. Nope, it is not an automated process. Spacing and kerning is probably one of the most important aspects that define quality in fonts. A well-spaced font is bound to last forever! 

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